If you are selecting a juvenile substance abuse test the following comparison checklist should prove helpful. This checklist itemizes important assessment instrument or test qualities. The “other” column represents any other tests you might want to compare to the Juvenile Substance Abuse Profile (JSAP).
Comparison Category |
Designed Specifically for Juveniles |
Yes |
Reliability and Validity Research Provided |
Yes |
Sound Basis for Decisions |
Yes |
Test Completed in 20 Minutes |
Yes |
Reports within 2 1/2 Minutes On-Site |
Yes |
Truthfulness Scale to Detect Minimization and Faking |
Yes |
Truth-Corrected Scores for Accuracy | Yes |
Three Test Administration Options |
Yes |
        1. Paper-Pencil (English-Spanish) |
Yes |
        2. On Computer Screen (English and Spanish) |
Yes |
        3. Human Voice Audio (English and Spanish) |
Yes |
Delete Client Names (insures confidentiality) Program |
Yes |
HIPPA (federal regulation) Compliant |
Yes |
Test Data Input Verification (insures accuracy) Program |
Yes |
Available in English and Spanish |
Yes |
Built-in Database at No Additional Cost |
Yes |
Alcohol and Drug Scales |
Yes |
Aggressiveness Scale |
Yes |
Stress Coping Abilities |
Yes |
Helpful Score-Related Reports |
Yes |
ASAM Compatible Recommendations |
Yes |
Computer Generated Reports |
Yes |
Reports Available in 3 Minutes |
Yes |
Brief Inexpensive & Accurate |
Yes |
Staff Training (Free) on Fridays |
Yes |
This completes the comparison checklist