Aggression, substance abuse, delinquency and related problems have risen across the U.S. These statistics underscore the need for standardized and objective screening. Early detection of substance abuse and related problems facilitate quicker intervention and counseling or treatment. This type of information also helps in deciding upon supervision, counseling and treatment alternatives. At one sitting of approximately 20 minutes duration, staff can acquire a vast amount of relevant information that can be used to help troubled youths straighten out their lives. As noted above, early problem identification facilitates timely intervention and improved outcome results.
The JSAP was developed specifically for troubled youth substance (alcohol and other drugs) abuse assessment. Yet, it is much more than just another alcohol and drug test. In addition to evaluating alcohol and drugs, the JSAP measures the truthfulness of the youth being tested, quantifies aggressiveness and establishes how well the youth handles stress. We now know that stress exacerbates emotional and mental health symptomatology, a non-introversive way to screen for emotional and mental health problems.
The JSAP is a self-report test that is completed by the client, either individually or in group settings. There are no forms or questionnaires to be completed by the staff. JSAP's are scored and interpreted by the computer which generates printed JSAP reports on-site within minutes of test completion. These reports eliminate the need for tedious, time consuming and error-prone hand scoring. Staff report writing, substantiation of decision making and record keeping needs are met with JSAP reports.
Within minutes after test completion, the JSAP can generate a comprehensive report presenting five empirically based measures (scales), explaining attained risk levels and making specific recommendations. JSAP reports also summarize a structured interview, set forth “significant items” and provide space for staff recommendations.
Evaluators are typically not clinicians or diagnosticians. Their role has been to administer tests that screen substance (alcohol and drug) abuse problems prior to recommending an intervention. For example, intervention could include an education program, further clinical evaluation or treatment, court-related sanctions or levels of supervision. The evaluator could also obtain important information from another source, e.g., interview with the victim, police report, court records, etc., and this additional information should not be overlooked or ignored.
The Juvenile Substance Abuse Profile (JSAP) is designed for troubled youth (male and female) assessment in juvenile courts, screening programs, school systems and treatment agencies. The JSAP has 116 items and takes 20 minutes to complete